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ITransportConnection::WriteBytes (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method writes a packet to the connection stream.

HRESULT WriteBytes(  DWORDdwSize,  BYTE* pData,  LPDWORDpdwBytesWritten);


  • dwSize
    [in] Size of the buffer that is passed in.
  • pData
    [in] Pointer to the buffer.
  • pdwBytesWritten
    [out] Number of bytes that where written to the stream.

Return Values

The following table shows the return values for this method.

Return value Description
S_OK The call was successfully completed.
E_FAIL The call could not be completed.
E_SEND_FAILED Unable to write packet to the stream.


This call should block all other function calls until there is valid data to return. The call should also block other function calls if the buffer passed in is an insufficient size. When the ITransportConnection::Close method is called or if a connection has been lost, this method should return with a failure condition.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Tl.h, Tl.idl.
Link Library: Tlcesrv.dll (ActiveSync Transport), Tlkitl.dll (KITL Transport), Tcpip.dll (TCP/IP Transport).

See Also


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