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IPublishSubscribeMgr::Subscribe (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method registers the caller as a subscriber to a specified publisher on a specified device.

HRESULT Subscribe(GUID PlatformID,GUID DeviceID,GUID PublisherID,ISubscriber* pSubscriber,IPublisher** ppPublisher,GUID* pCookieID);


  • PlatformID
    [in] GUID of the platform.
  • DeviceID
    [in] GUID of the device associated with the specified platform.
  • PublisherID
    [in] GUID of the publisher to connect to.
  • pSubscriber
    [in] Pointer to the ISubscriber interface. The pointer's ISubscriber::Write method is called by the subscriber service when data is published by the specified publisher.
  • ppPublisher
    [out] Pointer to a pointer to the IPublisher interface.
  • pCookieID
    [out] Pointer to a cookie that uniquely identifies the caller. The caller must pass this cookie when calling the IPublishSubscribeMgr::Unsubscribe method.

Return Values

The following table shows the return values for this method.

Return value Description
S_OK The call was successfully completed.
E_INVALIDARG The PlatformID, DeviceID, or PublisherID parameter is GUID_NULL.
E_POINTER The pSubscriber, ppPublisher, or pCookieID parameter is NULL.
E_FAIL Unable to complete the call.


A client may subscribe to one or more publishers on one or more devices.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: CEPubSub.h (for development workstation), CEPubSubPS.h (for target device), CePubSub.idl.
Link Library: Rts.lib (for development workstation), PSPubSubCE.lib (for target device).

See Also

IPublisher | ISubscriber | IPublishSubscribeMgr::Unsubscribe | ISubscriber::Write

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