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DDGPE::WrapSurface (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method creates a DDGPESurf-based object based on a pointer to an existing block of memory. The new object can optionally be associated with a DirectDraw surface.

virtual SCODE WrapSurface(LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBLlpDDSurface,intwidth,intheight,EGPEFormatformat,EDDGPEPixelFormatpixelFormat,intstride,intsurfaceFlags);virtualSCODE WrapSurface(DDGPESurf** ppSurf,intwidth,intheight,EGPEFormatformat,EDDGPEPixelFormatpixelFormat,unsigned char* pBits,int stride);virtual SCODE WrapSurface(LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBLlpDDSurface,intwidth,int height,EGPEFormatformat,EDDGPEPixelFormatpixelFormat,unsigned char* pBits,intstride);virtual SCODE WrapSurface(DDGPESurf** ppSurf,DDGPEAllocSurfaceData* pddgpeAllocSurfaceData);virtual SCODE WrapSurface(LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBLlpDDSurface,DDGPEAllocSurfaceData* pddgpeAllocSurfaceData);


  • ppSurf
    Pointer to a new DDGPESurf object.

  • lpDDSurface
    A pointer to an existing DirectDraw surface. A new DDGPESurf object will be attached to it. Any existing DDGPESurf object attached to this surface will be replaced. The driver is responsible for managing surfaces replaced in this manner.

  • width
    Width of the surface.

  • height
    Height of the surface.

  • format
    Format of the surface.

  • pixelFormat
    Display mode's pixel format.

  • pBits
    Pointer to an existing block of video or system memory that stores the surface's data.

  • stride
    Stride of the surface.

  • surfaceFlags
    GPE surface flags for the surface.

    Flag Description
    GPE_REQUIRE_VIDEO_MEMORY Surface memory must be allocated in video memory.
    GPE_PREFER_VIDEO_MEMORY Surface memory should be allocated in video memory if possible, but can be allocated in system memory, if necessary.

    If no flags are set, for example, if surfaceFlags is set to zero (0), the surface is allocated in system memory.

  • pddgpeAllocSurfaceData
    See DDGPEAllocSurfaceData.

Return Values

The return value is S_OK, if the method is successful. Otherwise, an error code is returned.


Typically, you use this method to wrap a surface around surface memory you have created manually, either in video or system memory. If a pointer to allocated surface memory is not supplied, the WrapSurface method results in a call to AllocSurface, which is implemented by the driver. Your driver is responsible for allocating video memory for these surfaces, if possible, and for requesting that DDGPESurf allocate system memory, if necessary.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddgpe.h.
Link Library: Ddgpe.lib.

See Also

DDGPE Class | DDGPE Class Definition

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