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Audio PDD Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the audio device driver service-provider interface (DDSI) functions.

Programming element Description
PDD_AudioDeinitialize This function turns off and disconnects the audio device.
PDD_AudioGetInterruptType This function determines the cause of the audio interrupt and returns the current device status.
PDD_AudioInitialize This function initializes the audio device for operation.
PDD_AudioMessage This function sends messages from user applications to the audio driver's platform-dependent driver (PDD) layer.
PDD_AudioPowerHandler This function is responsible for managing the audio hardware during POWER_UP and POWER_DOWN notifications.
PDD_IoControl This function sends IOCTL codes that are not part of the Wave or Mixer API to the audio driver's PDD layer.
PDD_WaveProc This function sends messages to the audio driver's PDD layer.

See Also

Waveform Audio Driver Structures | Waveform Audio Driver Functions | Waveform Input Driver Messages | Waveform Output Driver Messages | WPDM Messages

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