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Core Connectivity Datastore Interfaces (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Core Connectivity infrastructure datastore interfaces support methods and properties that interact with the datastore.

All datastore interfaces follow standard COM/OLE enumeration interface rules.

The following table shows the Core Connectivity infrastructure datastore interfaces.

Programming element Description
ICcCollection Provides the collection object returned when clients want to enumerate objects.
ICcDatastore Serves as the main interface through which clients obtain access to the datastore.
ICcDevice Represents a device object.
ICcDeviceContainer Represents a device container object.
ICcFile Represents a file object.
ICcFileContainer Represents a collection of file objects.
ICcFormFactor Provides a collection of properties for device form factors at design-time.
ICcFormFactorContainer Represents a list of form factors that are stored per platform.
ICcObject Provides the fundamental object interface for the datastore.
ICcObjectContainer Provides the interface for elements that hold objects.
ICcOSImage Represents a run-time image.
ICcOSImageContainer Represents a collection of run-time image objects.
ICcPackage Represents a datastore package object.
ICcPackageContainer Represents a collection of datastore packages.
ICcPackageType Represents a package type.
ICcPackageTypeContainer Represents a collection of package types.
ICcPlatform Represents a platform object.
ICcPlatformContainer Represents a collection of platform objects.
ICcProject Represents a project object.
ICcProjectContainer Represents a collection of project objects.
ICcProperty Represents a platform property object.
ICcPropertyContainer Represents a collection of property objects.
ICcServiceCategory Represents a service that the datastore can access.
ICcServiceCategoryContainer Represents a collection of ICcServiceCategory interfaces.
ICcServiceInfo Represents a service information object.
ICcServiceInfoContainer Represents a collection of ICcServiceInfo interfaces.
ICcTypeToArchitectureMap Represents the type to architecture map.

All datastore interfaces inherit the methods for the IUnknown, IDispatch, and ICcObject interfaces.

The following table shows the methods for the IDispatch interface.

Method Description
IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames Maps a single member name and an optional set of parameter names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (DISPIDs).

These identifiers can then be used on subsequent calls to IDispatch::Invoke.

IDispatch::GetTypeInfo Retrieves the type information for an object.
IDispatch::GetTypeInfoCount Retrieves the number of type information interfaces provided by an object, either zero (0) or 1.
IDispatch::Invoke Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object.

The following table shows the methods of the ICcObject interface.

Method Description
ICcObject::ID Sets and retrieves the ID of a datastore object.

The ID provides a language-neutral name for localization.

ICcObject::IsProtected Gets a flag indicating the object is protected.
ICcObject::Name Sets and retrieves the name of a datastore object.
ICcObject::PropertyContainer Retrieves the property container of a datastore object.

See Also

Core Connectivity Overview | Core Connectivity Reference

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