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NDIS Adapter Binding Management APIs (Windows CE 5.0)

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The operating system supports a set of new NDIS-library APIs that manage the binding and registration of adapters. The following table shows a list of the new functions that can be used to manage adapter binding.

Function Description
NdisRegisterAdapter Allows a client driver for a USB, IEEE 1394, or other bus to inform NDIS that a new network adapter has become available. The client driver must ensure that the registry settings for the miniport and adapter have been set up correctly prior to calling this function.
NdisDeregisterAdapter Deletes an adapter instance that previously was registered with NDIS.
NdisMRebindProtocolsToAdapter Allows an adapter to request that it be unbound from the protocol drivers to which it currently is bound and then rebound to protocols, as if it were newly registered with NDIS.
If wszProtocolName is NULL, then the named adapter will be unbound from the protocols to which it is bound currently and then rebound to protocols, as if it were a newly registered adapter. If wszProtocolName is not NULL, then the adapter will be unbound only from the named protocol and then rebound to it.

The following code example shows how NdisRegisterAdapter requires the registry keys to be set.

<other parameters that are specific to the driver, such as, I/O address>

See Also

Dynamic Adapter Binding | NdisRegisterAdapter | NdisDeregisterAdapter | NdisMRebindProtocolsToAdapter

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