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SetDbgZone (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is used to set or query zones for either a process or a module, but not both.

BOOL SetDbgZone(DWORDdwProcid,LPVOIDlpvMod, LPVOIDbaseptr,DWORDzone,LPDBGPARAMlpdbgTgt);


  • dwProcid
    [in] Handle of the process to set or query zones for.

    Set to 0 if setting or querying zones for a module.

  • lpvMod
    [in] Identifier of the module to set or query zones for.

    Set to 0 if setting or querying zones for a process.

    This identifier should be obtained from a ToolHelp MODULEENTRY32 structure.

  • baseptr
    [in] Unsupported.

    Set to NULL.

  • zone
    [in] New zone flags or set to 0xFFFFFFFF to query the process or module's debug zone information without modifying the zone.

  • lpdbgTgt
    [in] Pointer to a DBGPARAM structure to receive the process or module's debug zone information.

    The new zone settings for the process or module are stored in lpdbgTgt->ulZoneMask.

Return Values

This function returns TRUE to indicate success.

FALSE indicates failure.


By combining SetDbgZone with the ToolHelp API, for example, CreateToolHelp32Snapshot, Module32First, and Module32Next, you can query and control zones for any process or module in the system.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Pkfuncs.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

MODULEENTRY32 | ToolHelp Reference

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