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Network Component (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Network component provides an interface between the phone network and the Audio Gateway (AG) service, by performing the following functions:

  • Dialing a number to place a call
  • Receiving an incoming call
  • Rejecting an incoming call
  • Terminating a call
  • Handling call waiting
  • Transmitting Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) codes

Microsoft® Windows® CE provides a default Network component that communicates with the cellular network using TAPI. To support another network, such as VoIP, OEM must develop their customized Network component to communicate with Real-time Communications (RTC) Client API. The network module needs to be able to respond to incoming and outgoing calls, terminate call notifications, and provide call line identification.

Windows CE includes a sample implementation for the Network component in the %WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\Bluetooth\Ag\Network directory.

The following list shows the Network component functions, called by the Audio Gateway (AG) service that must be implemented in the manufacturer specific network module.

If a Network component function — except BthAGNetworkTransmitDTMF— is called asynchronously, it must call the BthAGOnNetworkEvent function after each call successfully places the component in a new state.

See Also

Audio Gateway Service | Real-time Communications (RTC) Client API

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