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Supported FTP Commands (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the FTP commands supported by the FTP server.

FTP command Description
CDUP Change to parent directory.
CWD Change working directory or library.
DELE Delete file or document.
HELP Help on the FTP server.
LIST File list.
MKD Make directory.
MODE Set transfer mode.
NLST Name list.
NOOP Obtain server response.
PASS Password.
PASV Use passive data connection.
PORT Data port.
PWD Print working directory.
QUIT End an FTP server system.
RETR Retrieve file.
RMD Remove directory.
RNFR Rename from.
RNTO Rename to.
STOR Store file.
STRU Specify file structure.
SYST Identify the name of the operating system.
TYPE Specify representation type.
USER Send a user logon ID to the server.
XCUP Change to parent directory.
XCWD Change working directory or library.
XMKD Make directory.
XPWD Display working directory or library.
XRMD Remove directory.

See Also

FTP Server Implementation

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