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This module configures and manages Parental Controls.

The following table shows the configurable settings for PARENTALCONTROLS.

Value : Type Access Index Description
Enabled : DWORD Read-only Not applicable If this value is set to 1, Parental Controls is enabled.
Auth : DWORD Read-only Not applicable If this value is set to 1, user authentication is enabled.
TimeEnabled : DWORD Read-write Group If this value is set 1, the time schedule is enabled.
TimeStartHour : DWORD Read-write Group Specifies the start hour of the time schedule for the parental control.
TimeEndHour : DWORD Read-write Group Specifies the end hour of the time schedule for the parental control.
TimeDays : DWORD Read-write Group Specifies the days of the week for which the parental control is enabled.
RestrictionMode : DWORD Read-write Group If this value is set to 1, restriction mode is enabled.
Restrictions : STRING Read-write Group Specifies the restrictions, separated by a comma.
ClientGroup : STRING Read-write Group Specifies the client group.
DeleteClient : STRING Write-only Group Deletes a specific client.

See Also

Remote Configuration Framework Modules

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