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File Name Extensions and Compiler Processing

The file name extension determines how the compiler processes a file. A file name can contain any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, hyphens, underscores, and a period. Any file name can include a full or partial path. If you do not specify a path, the compiler assumes the file is in the current directory.

The following table shows the file name extensions, and describes the processing that the compiler performs on the files with that extension.

File name extension File type Processing
.c C source file Compiled.
.cxx, .cpp C++ source file Compiled.
.obj Object file Passed to the linker.
.lib Library Passed to the linker. The linker links this library with the object files that CLARM or CLTHUMB created from source files and the object files given on the command line.
.def Definition file Passed to the linker.
Any other extension or no extension Object file Passed to the linker.

See Also

About Microprocessor Compilers | Supported Compilers | Compiler Setup Mechanisms | Compiler Options | Compiler-generated Decorated Function Names

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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