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Data Conversion (Windows CE 5.0)

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Developing an Application > Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE > Run-time Routines by Category

Data conversion routines convert data from one form to another. Generally these routines execute faster than conversions you might write. Each routine that begins with a to prefix is implemented as a function and as a macro.

Routine Use
abs Finds absolute value of integer
atof Converts string to float
atoi Converts string to int
atol, wtol Converts string to long
_ecvt Converts double to string of specified length
_fcvt Converts double to string with specified number of digits following decimal point
_gcvt Converts double number to string; store string in buffer
_itoa, _itow Converts int to string
labs Finds absolute value of long integer
_ltoa, _ltow Converts long to string
strtod, wcstod Converts string to double
strtol, wcstol Converts string to long integer
strtoul, wcstoul Converts string to unsigned long integer
towlower Tests character and converts to lowercase if currently uppercase
towupper Tests character and converts to uppercase if currently lowercase
_ultoa, _ultow Converts unsigned long to string
wcstombs Converts wide character to corresponding multi-byte character
_wtoi Converts wide-character string to integer

See Also

Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE | Run-time Library Reference

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