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Buffer Manipulation (Windows CE 5.0)

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Developing an Application > Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE > Run-time Routines by Category

Use buffer manipulation routines to work with areas of memory on a byte-by-byte basis.

Routine Use
_memccpy Copy characters from one buffer to another until given character or given number of characters has been copied
memchr, wmemchr Return pointer to first occurrence, within specified number of characters, of given character in buffer
memcmp, wmemcmp Compare specified number of characters from two buffers
memcpy, wmemcpy Copy specified number of characters from one buffer to another
_memicmp Compare specified number of characters from two buffers without regard to case
memmove Copy specified number of characters from one buffer to another
memset, wmemset Use given character to initialize specified number of bytes in the buffer
_swab Swap bytes of data and store them at specified location

When the source and target areas overlap, only memmove is guaranteed to copy the full source properly.

See Also

Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE | Run-time Library Reference

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