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Touch Input (Compact 2013)


The touch input module loads and initializes the touch proxy driver, calibrates the touch screen, and receives touch data from the driver.

The object file for this module is Tchui.lib, which is located in %_WINCEROOT%\public\common\oak\lib\<arch>\<build type>\. The following table describes some of the modules functionality.

Object file name



Provides Touch_Initialize, which loads the touch proxy driver and looks up the exported entry points.

Provides calibration functions, including TouchCalibrate. TouchCalibrate initiates screen calibration when it is called by function PDDCalibrationThread which is called by PDD_Init. Also included is the code to write and read calibration information to and from the registry.

Provides function TouchEventSend, which receives touch events from function DispatchTouchSampleSet of the user input queue module, and passes the events to function GestureRecognizer::RecognizeTouch of gesture core's recognizer interface module. Also provides MouseEventSend, which receives mouse events from functions UserInputThread and ProcessTouchEvent of the user input queue module. It processes each event and sends a touch event to either an application message queue or a special message queue such as calibration.

See Also


Gesture Recognition Architecture