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Device-Based Driver Names (Compact 2013)


The device namespace is similar to the legacy namespace but it supports driver instance index values with multiple digits. Device names are constructed by adding the device namespace \$device to the device prefix and the instance index. Unlike legacy device names, this instance index value can be greater than 9 (nine). Device names use the following format:


Where XXX is the three-letter prefix that represents the driver name, followed by one or more digits that specify an index. Note that device-based names do not use a terminating colon.

For example, the twelfth port on the COM serial driver has the device name \$device\COM12. If the first storage device is accessed through the name \$device\DSK1, an application opens the stream driver for this storage device by passing its name to CreateFile.

CreateFile(L"\$device\DSK1", …)

Because the index is not restricted to a single digit, more than 10 device names with the same driver prefix can be accessed through the device-based driver namespace.

See Also


Device Driver Access