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Add the Stream Driver Files to Your BSP (Compact 2013)


The folder for each driver in your BSP is located under the following path: %_WINCEROOT%\platform\<Your BSP>\src\drivers.


%_WINCEROOT% represents the directory of your Windows Embedded Compact 2013 installation.

Before you can add new driver files to your BSP, you must create a new folder for your driver. Windows Embedded Compact 2013 includes several stream drivers that you can use as the starting point for your driver. This example uses the wavedev driver from the folder %_WINCEROOT%\platform\CEPC\src\drivers\VirtualPC\wavedev2_sb16 as the starting point. In this example, your new driver is called streamdriver.

To add the stream driver files to your BSP

  1. In your BSP driver folder, create a folder called streamdriver. The resulting path will be:

    %_WINCEROOT%\platform\<Your BSP>\src\drivers\streamdriver

  2. Copy the example driver files to your stream driver folder from the following location:


  3. After you finish copying the files, you’ll make changes to the following files in your stream driver folder:

    • sources
    • sb16.def
    • sb16.reg
    • various cpp files

See Also


Add and Build a Device Driver