다음을 통해 공유

Set Alternate Release Directories (Compact 2013)


When you deploy the OS image to your device or when the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) is connecting to your device, a Platform Builder dialog box may appear that requests that you specify the path of certain files. To prevent this dialog box from appearing, set the alternate release directories.

To set the alternate release directories

  1. In Platform Builder, open your OS design project.

  2. Click the Target menu, and then click Alternate Release Directories.

  3. In the Alternate Release Directories dialog box, click the Add new directory button, and then add the directories that are shown in the following table. (The paths in the table assume that you are using a virtual CEPC as your device.)



    %_WINCEROOT%\OSDesigns\<My OS Name>\RelDir\VirtualPC_x86_<Debug or Release>

    Path for Notify.dll

    C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit\Target\x86

    Path for Cetkdev.exe


    Path for Mscoree.dll

    C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit\Harnesses\Target\x86

    Path for Tux.exe

    %_WINCEROOT%\OSDesigns\<Your BSP>\DriverTUXTest\Obj\x86\Debug

    Path for Drivertuxtest.dll, which you will create in Create Your Test DLL for the CTK

  4. Save the OS design project.

See Also


Add and Build a Device Driver