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Update the DIRS File (Compact 2013)


For the build process to include the source files for your driver, you must update the DIRS file in the driver directory. The build process uses the information that is specified in this file to determine which subdirectories to include in the build. For more information, see Dirs File.

To update the DIRS file

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder %_WINCEROOT\platform\<Your BSP>\src\drivers.

  2. Open the DIRS file by using a text editor such as Notepad.


    The DIRS file does not have a file name extension.

  3. Add a line to the DIRS file to include the stream driver folder followed by a backslash, as shown in the following example.

    DIRS= \
    streamdriver \
    wavedev2_sb16 \
    ndis_dc21x4 \
    keybd \
    isr_vpcmouse \
  4. Save the DIRS file.

The list of driver folders included in your DIRS file may vary, depending on the functionality you selected when you designed your OS.

See Also


Add and Build a Device Driver