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Serial Debug Message Output (Boot Loader) (Compact 2013)


The serial debug function in the boot loader initializes and then communicates with a debug message output device. Typically, this device is a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) connected over a null modem cable to a terminal emulator on the host computer.

The header file that defines the serial debug interface is %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Inc\nkintr.h.

The boot loader may use serial debug functions that are implemented in a library shared with the OAL, or the boot loader may use functions that are implemented in its own source code file. You may be able to use the same implementation of the serial debug functions for the boot loader and the OAL.

The following are typical serial debug code locations:

  • %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\Common\Src\Common\Other
  • %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\<BSP Name>\Src\Bootloader\Eboot
  • %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\<BSP Name>\Src\Boot\Serial
  • %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\<BSP Name>\Src\OAL\Oallib

The following table lists the serial debug functions. For more information, see Boot Loader Debug Functions.


Function name

Initializes the debug serial port

OEMDebugInit, OEMInitDebugSerial

Generates debug message output

OEMWriteDebugString, OEMWriteDebugByte

Accepts input to the boot loader


See Also


BL Common Boot Framework