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Connect a USBDBG Serial Device (Compact 2013)


If your OEM provided a platform-specific device driver (PDD) for your Windows Embedded Compact powered device, you, a Windows Embedded Compact 2013 developer, can use this procedure to connect your Windows Embedded Compact powered device to Platform Builder, so you can debug software that you are creating for your device.

Windows 7 and Windows Vista have the necessary serial driver installed by default.

To disallow USB connections in Windows Mobile Device Center

  • In Windows Mobile Device Center, point to Mobile Device Settings, and then click Connection Settings.

  • In the Connection Settings dialog box, clear the Allow USB connections check box, and then click OK.

To connect your device

  1. In Visual Studio, on the Target menu, click Connectivity Options.

  2. In the Target Device Connectivity Options dialog box, do the following:

    • Under Device Configuration, click Add Device.
    • Enter a New target device name, and click Add.
    • Under Service Configuration, select Kernel Service Map.
    • Select USB for both Kernel Download and Kernel Transport.
    • Click Apply, and then click Close.

You can now download images to your device and debug your device over the emulated serial port.

See Also


USBDBG Communication Algorithm

Other Resources

USB Debug