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UILanguage (Standard 7 Package Reference)


UILanguage specifies the default system language to display user interface (UI) items (such as menus, dialog boxes, and help files).


This setting can be applied only during the specialize and oobeSystem configuration passes. To specify language and locale settings during the windowsPE pass, see the UILanguage setting in the International-Core-WinPE component.

For the list of supported languages, see Language Packages.

If this value is configured in the oobeSystem configuration pass, the Language selection page of Windows Welcome will be skipped.

In upgrade installation types, this setting is ignored. In upgrade installations, you can upgrade only from the same language.



Specifies the language of the UI.

UI_language is a string based on the language-tagging conventions of RFC 3066. The pattern language-region is used, where language is an ISO-639 language code and region is an ISO 3166-1 country or region identifier (for example, en-US, fr-FR, or es-ES).

This value is not case sensitive.

This string type supports empty elements.

Valid Passes

