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OEMWelcomeCenter (Standard 7 Package Reference)


OEMWelcomeCenter specifies settings for the OEM First Run Application.

You can create an OEM First Run application to introduce users to the computer, and to provide information about OEM-specific programs or offers. Use this setting with OEMWelcomeCenterLinks to specify shortcuts that appear as tasks in the OEM First Run application Jump List.

The link setting specifies the complete path and the file name of a shortcut file with a .lnk file-name extension. The path to the shortcut file must refer to a location on the destination computer.


We recommend that you add the shortcut file to the All Users Start menu, for example: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Fabrikam\Welcome.lnk.
We recommend that you do not add the shortcut by using the environment variable: %USERPROFILE%. Shortcuts using %USERPROFILE% are applied only to the profile of the next user to log on to the computer. Also, if the setting is applied during the auditUser configuration pass, the shortcut is applied only to the temporary administrator account, which is removed after the computer exits audit mode.
We recommend that you add the OEM First Run application as the first shortcut in the Start menu list of most frequently used programs, so that users can access the application repeatedly until they have accomplished all of the OEM-provided First Run tasks. For information, see StartPanelLinks.
We recommend that you do not add this shortcut to the taskbar because the OEM First Run application is intended to introduce users to the computer. The taskbar is designed to provide end users with ready access to the applications they use every day. Also, any shortcut that is pinned to the taskbar will not appear in the Start menu list of most frequently used programs.

The shortcut file must include the complete path and file name of a corresponding program file with an .exe file-name extension. The path to the corresponding program file also must refer to a location on the destination computer.

Child Elements


Specifies the path to a shortcut to the OEM First Run application.

Valid Passes




See Also

