GUID (Standard 7 Package Reference)
specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of an icon to appear in the notification area at the far right of the taskbar.
By setting the Path and GUID elements of the PromotedIcon2 component, you can configure another icon to appear in the notification area. This icon will appear in place of the Battery icon.
To select the icon to be visible, you must:
- Select a signed binary application file that includes a notification icon.
- Set both the Path and GUID elements for the file.
The GUID for the icon is contained in the application. The NOTIFYICONDATA shell structure contains the guidItem. For more information, see NOTIFYICONDATA Structure. For third-party applications, contact your application provider to see if your application uses this structure and to obtain the GUID.
Specifies the GUID of an icon to appear in the notification area. |
This string type does not support empty elements. Do not create an empty value for this setting.