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BthAnswerBondingReq (Compact 2013)


This function responds to a pair request from a Bluetooth device by using a PIN to authenticate the response.


BOOL BthAnswerBondingReq ( 
  BT_ADDR* pBA, 
  LPCTSTR tszPin


  • pBA
    [in] Pointer to the address of the peer device.
  • tszPin
    [in] Pointer to the PIN.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, returns TRUE; otherwise, FALSE. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


This function passes the parameters to the BthAnswerPairRequest function and returns TRUE if the pair request succeeds. If the pair request does not succeed, it calls BthRevokePIN and returns FALSE. The PIN passed into tszPin is converted to a multi-byte string before it is passed to BthAnswerPairRequest.

See Also


Bluetooth API Miscellaneous Functions