다음을 통해 공유

dpCurSettings (Compact 2013)


This global variable enables the OEM adaption layer's (OAL) internal debug zones so you can use debug messaging macros such as DEBUGMSG.


extern DBGPARAM dpCurSettings;


This variable contains a set of names for debug zones, which are enabled or disabled by the bit-field parameter at the end of the DBGPARAM structure. There are 16 zones, each with a customizable name.

In a Retail build, when the environment variable "WINCESHIP=1" is set, dpCurSettings will NOT be included in the library. To use dpCurSettings for a retail build, rebuild the library with "WINCESHIP=" or use the debug build to build the individual DLL.


The following code example shows an implementation of dpCurSettings.

Important: For readability, the following code example does not contain security checking or error code handling. Do not use the following code in a production environment.

#ifdef DEBUG
DBGPARAM dpCurSettings = 
  // Name of the debug module
    // Names of the individual zones
    TEXT("Error"),      TEXT("Warning"),    TEXT("Function"),   TEXT("Info"),
    TEXT("Stub/Keyv/Args"), TEXT("Cache"),  TEXT("RTC"),        TEXT("Power"),
    TEXT("PCI"),        TEXT("Memory"),     TEXT("IO"),         TEXT("Timer"),
    TEXT("IoCtl"),      TEXT("Flash"),      TEXT("Interrupts"), TEXT("Verbose")
  // Bitfield controlling the zones.  1 means the zone is enabled, 0 disabled
  // We'll enable the Error, Warning, and Info zones by default here
  1 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 3




See Also


Required OAL Variables