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Alternate Release Directories Dialog Box (Compact 2013)


In this dialog box you can specify the list of release directories that Windows Embedded Compact searches for release modules, and the order in which it searches them. Platform Builder maintains a release directory list for each configuration. The dialog box displays the release directory list in search order. The top directory is the primary release directory and is searched first. The directories below it are alternate release directories. To display this dialog box, open an OS design, then select the desired configuration, and then go to Target > Alternate Release Directories.

  • Release Directory
    The release directory path.
  • R/W
    The read/write status of the directory.
  • Note
    More information about the directory.
  • Apply
    Sets the list of release directories to the list shown in the dialog box and closes the dialog box.
  • Cancel
    Closes the dialog box without making any changes to the release directory list.
  • Add New Directory Icon
    Displays the Browse for Folder dialog box which allows you to browse to an existing directory, or create a new one, to add to the release directory list.
  • Remove Icon
    Removes the selected directory from the list.
  • Move Up Icon
    Moves the selected directory up in the list (causes the directory to be searched earlier).
  • Move Down Icon
    Moves the selected directory down in the list (causes the directory to be searched later).

See Also


Platform Builder User Interface

Other Resources

Platform Builder Dialog Boxes