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Missing Build Options in OS Design Dialog Box (Compact 2013)


The Missing Build Options in OS Design dialog box appears when you open an OS design that contains build options that Platform Builder does not recognize. This may occur because Platform Builder no longer supports a build option that was supported in prior versions.

Platform Builder displays the list of build options which it does not recognize, with a check box next to each option. Place a check in the box to remove the corresponding option from your OS design. When you press OK, Platform Builder will proceed to open the OS Design after removing the checked options. An unrecognized options that you do not remove may not function properly or at all.

  • Build Options
    Displays the build options that Platform Builder does not recognize.
    By default, none of these items are selected for removal.
  • Don't show this message again
    Select this check box to stop Platform Builder from displaying the Missing Build Options in OS Design dialog box again.
  • OK
    Choose to remove the build options that you have selected from your OS design and close the dialog box.
  • Cancel
    Choose to close the dialog box and continue opening your OS design without removing any build options.

See Also


Platform Builder User Interface

Other Resources

Platform Builder Dialog Boxes