다음을 통해 공유

Dialog Box Filter API (Standard 7 SP1)


The Dialog Box Filter API exposes a set of functions that enables you to implement your own filtering, and optionally, your own window interrogation. This allows native and managed code to implement an in-process (DLL) COM object that the Dialog Box Filter service can load and use.

To enable support for the Dialog Box Filter API, add the Dialog Box Filter API to your component by linking with DialogFilterXmlFilter.tlb from the EmbeddedSDK\lib folder.

There is a sample Visual C++ project demonstrating a custom dialog box filter. The sample project is located in the Samples\CustomDialogFilter folder.

In This Section

The following table shows the classes that are provided in the Dialog Box Filter API.



ObjectFilter Class

This class implements the IObjectFilter interface, which must be implemented if using the custom filter.

ObjectInfo Class

This class implements the IObjectInfo interface, which is used as a token by the Dialog Box Filter service to store the state of dialog boxes.