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Validate an Answer File in Image Configuration Editor (Standard 7 SP1)


Image Configuration Editor can be used to validate your answer file while you develop it. Once an answer file has been successfully validated, all the settings and values in the answer file can be applied to the Standard 7 image, and any direct dependencies have been resolved. For more information on dependencies, see Dependencies. You can choose from the following three levels of validation.

  • Validate Only

    • Checks all dependencies.
    • Reports an error message in the message pane for each package with one or more unresolved dependencies.
    • Displays an informational message in the message pane for a package that has met all other dependencies but has optional supplemental packages available.
  • Add Required Packages

    • Checks all dependencies.
    • Automatically adds any missing packages required by another package.
    • Displays an error message in the message pane for each package with one or more unresolved group dependencies.
    • Displays a informational message in the message pane for a package that has met all other dependencies but has optional supplemental packages available.
  • Add Required and Optional Packages

    • Checks all dependencies.
    • Automatically adds any missing packages required by another package.
    • Automatically adds any package that is an optional supplement to one of the top-level packages. In addition, packages that are optional supplements to manually added packages are added. On manually added packages, the package property isTopLevel is set to true.
    • Reports an error message in the message pane for each package with one or more unresolved group dependencies.

The following procedure describes how to validate the settings in an answer file. Validation will also occur automatically when you save your answer file.

To validate the settings in an answer file

  1. In Image Configuration Editor, open or create an answer file.

    For more information, see Create an Answer File in Image Configuration Editor.

  2. On the Validate menu, choose the validation level you prefer.

    If the answer file validates successfully, a message verifying no warnings or errors in the answer file appears in the Messages pane on the Validation tab. Otherwise, error or warning messages appear in the same location.


    If an error occurs, double-click the error in the Messages pane to browse to the setting.

See Also


Configure Settings in an Answer File in Image Configuration Editor


Use Image Configuration Editor to Resolve Answer File Dependencies