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International Servicing Command-Line Options (Standard 7 SP1)


The international servicing commands can be used to change international settings in Windows Embedded Standard 7 and Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 3.0 images. You can also query existing settings in an offline or online Windows image.

The following is the base syntax for servicing a Standard 7 image using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool:

DISM {/Image:<path_to_image_directory> | /Online} [dism_options] {servicing_command} [<servicing_argument>]

There are three types of international servicing commands, as follows:

  • Get commands. Retrieves a report of the international settings for an offline image or running operating system.
  • Set commands. Sets the different international settings for an offline image.
  • Gen-LangIni commands. Generates the Lang.ini file that is used during Setup.

The following international servicing options are available for an offline image:

DISM /Image:<path_to_image_directory> [/Get-Intl] [/Set-UILang | /Set-UILangFallback | /Set-SysLocale | /Set-UserLocale | /Set-InputLocale | /Set-AllIntl | /Set-Timezone | /Set-SKUIntlDefaults | /Set-LayeredDriver] [/Gen-LangIni | /Set-SetupUILang | /Distribution]

The following international servicing options are available for a running operating system:

DISM/Online /Get-Intl

The following table provides a description of how each international servicing option can be used. These options are not case sensitive.





When used immediately after an international servicing command-line option, information about the option and the arguments is displayed. Additional topics might become available when an image is specified.


Displays information about international settings and languages.

Use the /Online option to display information about international settings and languages in the running operating system.

Use the /Image:<path_to_image_directory> option to display information about international settings and languages in the offline image.

When used with the /Distribution option, information about international settings and languages on the distribution is displayed. The name of the folder in the distribution share is not validated. It will be reported as ...\Langpacks\<locale_name>\lp.cab where <locale_name> is the name of the folder.

The user locale is reported only for offline images. The report does not include this setting for a running operating system.


Sets the default system UI language. If the language is not installed in the Windows image, the command will fail.

<language_name> specifies the name of the language to set as the default. For example, ja-JP.

If you install a Language Interface Pack (LIP) and specify its language as the default UI language, the LIP language will be set as the system default UI language (or install language) and the parent language will be set as the default UI language.


Sets the fallback default language for the system UI in the offline Standard 7 image. This setting is used only when the language specified by the /Set-UILang is a partially localized language.

<language_name> specifies the name of the language to set as the default fallback. For example, en-US.


Sets the language for non-Unicode programs (also called system locale) and font settings in the offline Standard 7 image.

<locale_name> specifies the name of the language and locale to set as the default language for non-Unicode. For example, en-US.

You cannot set Unicode-only languages as the system locale. If you try, the /Set-SysLocale option will fail and the language for non-Unicode programs will not be changed.


Sets the "standards and formats" language (also called user locale) in the offline Standard 7 image. The "standards and formats" language is a per-user setting that determines default sort order and the default settings for formatting dates, times, currency, and numbers.


This parameter is optional.

Sets the input locales and keyboard layouts to use in the offline Standard 7 image.

The value of the <input_locale>:<keyboard_layout> pair can be one of the following:

  • <language_id>:<keyboard_layout> For example, 0409:00000409
  • <locale_name> For example, if you specify en-US as the local name, the /Set-InputLocale option also sets the default keyboard layout defined for this locale.

You can specify more than one value by using semicolons (;) as separators. This is useful when you want to include support for multiple keyboards on a single computer. The first value will be set as the default keyboard.

The valid keyboard layouts that can be configured on your computer are listed in the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts

For a list of the default input locale values, see Supported Language Packs and Default Settings.

Use the hexadecimal value of the language ID and keyboard layout that you intend to configure.


Sets the default system UI language, the language for non-Unicode programs, the "standards and formats" language, and the input locales and keyboard layouts to the specified language in the offline Standard 7 image.

This option specifies the language value for the following:

  • UI language
  • System locale
  • User locale
  • Input locale

If used with any of the options that specify the individual language or locales, then the individual settings take precedence.

<language_name> specifies the language name and locale code. For example, en-US, or fr-FR.


Sets the default time zone in a Standard 7 image. Before setting the time zone, DISM verifies that the specified time-zone string is valid for the image.

<timezone_name> specifies the name of the time zone to use. For example, Pacific Standard Time. For a complete list of time-zone strings, see the Unattend Setup Reference.

The name of the time zone must exactly match the name of the time-zone settings in the registry in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TimeZones\.

If you add a custom time zone to your computer, you can specify that custom time-zone string.


This parameter is optional. If combined with one of the settings above, the individual setting takes priority.

Sets the default system UI language, the language for non-Unicode programs, the "standards and formats" language, and the input locales, keyboard layouts, and time-zone values in an offline Standard 7 image to the Standard 7 default value specified by <language_name>. The /Set-SKUIntlDefaults option does not change the keyboard driver for Japanese and Korean keyboards. You must use the /Set-LayeredDriver option to change this.

Use /Set-SKUIntlDefaults to change all the international settings in an offline Standard 7 image to match the default values that are set during retail installations. For more information about the default values of each language pack, see Supported Language Packs and Default Settings.

If the language passed matches a Unicode-only locale setting, the system locale will not be changed, but the command will not fail.


Specifies a keyboard driver to use for Japanese or Korean keyboards.

In Japan, many retail users have 106-key keyboards, while others have 101- or 102-key keyboards. In Korea, there are several different types of keyboards, some with different numbers of keys.

The possible values for these settings are as follows [1-6]:

  1. Specifies the PC/AT Enhanced Keyboard (101/102 key).
  2. Specifies the Korean PC/AT 101-Key Compatible Keyboard/MS Natural Keyboard (Type 1).
  3. Specifies the Korean PC/AT 101-Key Compatible Keyboard/MS Natural Keyboard (Type 2).
  4. Specifies the Korean PC/AT 101-Key Compatible Keyboard/MS Natural Keyboard (Type 3).
  5. Specifies the Korean Keyboard (103/106 Key).
  6. Specifies the Japanese Keyboard (106/109 Key).


Generates a new Lang.ini file, which is used by Setup to define the language packs inside the image and outside in the distribution. It also defines the default UI language for Setup.

The new Lang.ini file will be added to the Sources folder of the Standard 7 distribution.

You must specify an offline Standard 7 image (/Image:<path_to_offline_image.wim>) and a distribution (/Distribution:<path_to_distribution_directory>).


Defines the default language that will be used by Setup. If this language cannot be used, Setup automatically uses English.

This is an optional command. If not used, the default UI language in the image will be used. If the language is not present, the first language in the list of present languages will be used.


Specifies the path to the Standard 7 distribution. The Standard 7 distribution is a copy of the content that is released on the Standard 7 product DVD. This option is to be used only with the /Get-Intl and /Gen-LangIni option if there are external language packs.


  • The DISM international servicing commands can only be used to change international settings in Standard 7 and Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 3.0 images.
  • You cannot use other servicing commands on the same command line with international servicing commands.
  • You cannot set a Unicode-only language as the system locale. The following languages are Unicode-only (languages are listed in the format: Language - Country/Region):
    • Amharic - Ethiopia
    • Armenian - Armenia
    • Assamese - India
    • Bangla - Bangladesh
    • Bangla - India (Bangla Script)
    • Divehi - Maldives
    • Georgian - Georgia
    • Gujarati - India (Gujarati Script)
    • Hindi - India
    • Inuktitut (Syllabics) - Canada
    • Kannada - India (Kannada Script)
    • Kazakh - Kazakhstan
    • Khmer - Cambodia
    • Konkani - India
    • Lao - Lao PDR
    • Malayalam - India (Malayalam Script)
    • Maltese - Malta
    • Marathi - India
    • Mongolian (Mongolian) - PRC
    • Nepali - Nepal
    • Odia - India (Odia Script)
    • Pashto - Afghanistan
    • Punjabi - India (Gurmukhi Script)
    • Sanskrit - India
    • Sinhala - Sri Lanka
    • Syriac - Syria
    • Tamil - India
    • Telugu - India (Telugu Script)
    • Tibetan - PRC
    • Yi - PRC
  • Do not install a language pack after an update. If you install an update (hotfix), general distribution release (GDR), or service pack (SP) that contains language-dependent resources before you install a language pack, the language-specific changes contained in the update will not be applied. Always install language packs before installing updates.
  • When specifying a time zone by using /Set-TimeZone:<timezone_name>, you must use straight quotation marks for multiple words. For example, /Set-TimeZone:"Pacific Standard Time". If you copy and paste the time-zone name, including quotation marks, from a document, the quotation marks might not be recognized and the command line might fail.
  • If you are servicing an international image and your host environment does not support the language in that image, you might not be able to read an error message that originates from the international image.

See Also


What Is Deployment Image Servicing and Management?
How Deployment Image Servicing and Management Works
Deployment Image Servicing and Management Command-Line Options
Windows PE Servicing Command-Line Options
Driver Servicing Command-Line Options
Operating System Package Servicing Command-Line Options