다음을 통해 공유

Caps Type Constants (Compact 2013)


These are the capability types for the RIL. Capability types that have capability choices are indicated by references to further bit fields.




Dialing types supported by the radio. On return, lpData points to a RILCAPSDIAL structure.


The radio supports the Dual-Tone Multi-frequency (DTMF) tone duration range capability type.

Returns the range of DTMF duration supported by the radio. On return, lpData points to a RILRANGE structure.


The radio supports the call management command capability type.

Returns the commands supported by the RIL_ManageCalls function on a device. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Call Management Constants values.


The radio supports the bearer service capability type.

The bearer service supported by the device. On return, lpData points to a RILCAPSBEARERSVC structure.


The radio supports the RLP capability type.

The radio link protocol supported by the device. On return, lpData points to a RILCAPSRLP structure.


The radio supports the equipment state capability type.

Supported device equipment states. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Equipment Constants values.


The radio supports the phonebook storage locations capability type.

GSM only.

  • Supported SIM phonebook storage locations. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Phonebook Constants values.


The radio supports the phonebook index range capability type.

GSM only.

Range of valid locations for the current storage location. On return, lpDatapoints to a RILRANGE structure.


The radio supports the phone book entry number and text length capability type.

GSM only.

Maximum length of phonebook number and text in entries. On return, lpData points to a RILCAPSPBENTRYLENGTH structure.


The radio supports the message service types capability type.

GSM only.

Supported message service types. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Message Service Constants values.


The radio supports the message memory locations capability type.

GSM only.

Supported Short Message Service (SMS) message storage locations. On return, lpData points to a RILCAPSMSGMEMORYLOCATIONS structure.


The radio supports the broadcast message languages capability type.

GSM only.

Supported broadcast message languages. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps DCS Language Constants values.


The radio supports the message configuration index range capability type.

GSM only.

Range of valid message configuration indexes. On return, lpData points to a RILRANGE structure.


The radio supports the message status capability type.

GSM only.

Range of all message status values supported by the device. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Message Status Constants values.


The radio supports the preferred operator index range command capability type.

GSM only.

Returns the index range of preferred operators supported by the SIM. On return, lpData points to a RILRANGE structure.


The radio supports the lock facilities capability type.

Locking facilities supported by the device. CDMA should point to zero (0). On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Phone Lock Constants values.


The radio supports the locking password length capability type.

Maximum lengths for the various locking passwords. On return, lpData points to an array of RILCAPSLOCKINGPWDLENGTH structures.


The radio supports the call barring types capability types.

Barring types supported by the device. CDMA should point to zero (0). On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Call Barring Constants values.


The radio supports the call barring password length capability type.

Maximum lengths for the various barring passwords. On return, lpData points to an array of RILCAPSBARRINGPWDLENGTH structures.


The radio supports the forwarding reasons capability type.

Call forwarding reasons supported. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Forwarding Constants values.


The radio supports the information classes capability type. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Information Class Constants values.


The radio supports the High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD) capability type.

GSM only.

High-speed circuit switched data capability. On return, lpData points to a RILCAPSHSCSD structure.


The radio supports the GPRS class capability type.

GPRS only.

Queries the GPRS class capabilities of the device. On return, lpData points to any combination of GPRS Class Constants values.


The radio supports the GPRS context capability type.

GPRS only.

Support for GPRS contexts. On return, lpData points to an array of RILGPRSCONTEXTCAPS structures.


The radio supports the GPRS QOS command capability type.

GPRS only.

List of supported values for GPRS quality of service. On return, lpData points to an array of RILGPRSQOSPROFILECAPS structures.


The radio supports the minimum GPRS QOS capability type.

GPRS only.

List of supported values for GPRS minimum quality of service. On return, lpData points to an array of RILGPRSQOSPROFILECAPS structures.


The radio supports the GPRS Mobile Originated (MO) Short Message Service (SMS) capability type.

GSM only.

Currently available services for mobile originated Short Message Service (SMS). On return, lpData points to any combination of GPRS SMS Constants values.


The radio supports the data compression capability type.

GSM only.

Supported data compression modes. On return, lpData points to a RILCAPSDATACOMPRESSION structure.


The radio supports the error correction capability type.

GSM only.

Supported error correction modes. On return, lpData points to a RILCAPSERRORCORRECTION structure.


The radio supports the signal quality reporting. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Signal Quality Constants values.


Device support for SIM functionality. On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps SIM Constants values.


Set when the RIL driver supports RIL_NOTIFY_CALLPROGRESSINFO.

On return, lpData points to a DWORD value of TRUE or FALSE.

In Windows Embedded Compact 2013, RIL drivers must return TRUE.

See Notification Call Control Constants.


Retrieves the notification support capabilities indicated by HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Cellular\RIL\CapsNotificationImplParams. On return, lpData points to any combination ofCaps Notification Constants.


The radio supports Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ) reporting.

Device support for receiving Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ) information. On return, lpData points to any combination of Network Identify and Time Zone (NITZ) values.


On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps Call Support Constants values.


On return, lpData points to any combination of Caps SMS Support Constants values.


Retrieves a RILRANGE structure containing the range of valid locations for the current SMS storage location. For example, a SIM with 10 SMS message slots that start at 1, returns (1, 10).


The first Caps Type constant value.


The last Caps Type constant value.




See Also


RIL Constants
Notification Call Control Constants