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Uniscribe Functions (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following table shows the Uniscribe functions.

In This Section

  • ScriptApplyLogicalWidth
    Takes an array of advance widths for a run and generates an array of glyph widths that are suitable for passing to the piJustify parameter of ScriptTextOut.
  • ScriptBreak
    Returns information for determining line breaks.
  • ScriptCPtoX
    Generates the x offset from the left end (!fLogicalOrder) or leading edge (fLogicalOrder) of a run to either the leading or trailing edge of a logical character cluster.
  • ScriptGetCMap
    Takes a string and returns the glyph indices of the Unicode characters according to the TrueType cmap table or the standard cmap table implemented for old style fonts.
  • ScriptIsComplex
    Determines whether a Unicode string requires complex script processing.
  • ScriptItemize
    Breaks a Unicode string into individually shapeable items.
  • ScriptLayout
    Converts an array of run–embedding levels to a map of visual–to–logical position and/or logical–to–visual position.
  • ScriptPlace
    Takes the output of a ScriptShape call and generates glyph advance width and two-dimensional offset information.
  • ScriptShape
    Takes a Unicode run and generates glyphs and visual attributes.
  • ScriptStringCPtoX
    Returns the x–coordinate for the leading or trailing edge of a character position.
  • ScriptStringGetOrder
    Creates an array that maps an original character position to a glyph position.
  • ScriptXtoCP
    Converts an x offset from the left end (!fLogicalOrder) or leading edge (fLogicalOrder) of a run to a logical character position and a flag that indicates whether the x position fell in the leading or the trailing half of the character.
  • Uniscribe Reference
    Provides an overview of the programming elements available for Uniscribe.

See Also

Other Resources

Uniscribe Reference