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Default Registry Settings for FAT File Systems (Compact 2013)


The following registry code, taken from common.reg, shows default registry settings for FAT (file allocation table) file systems.

    "FriendlyName"="FAT FileSystem"


FATFS functionality is implemented in the file exfat.dll.

To implement ExFAT functionality, you must set "FormatExFat"=dword:1 in the registry. To implement TFAT functionality, you must set "FormatTFAT"=dword:1 in the registry. Otherwise, the functionality defaults to FAT. The change will not take place until the storage media is formatted with the new specification.


The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\EXFAT registry key is not supported in Windows Embedded Compact 2013.

See Also


FAT File System Registry Settings