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IPersistStorage (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This interface defines methods that enable a container application to pass a storage object to one of its contained objects and to load and save the storage object.

This interface supports the structured storage model, in which each contained object has its own storage that is nested within the container's storage.

The IPersistStorage contract inherits its definition from IPersist, so all implementations must also include the GetClassID method of IPersist.

When to Implement

Any object that can be embedded in a container must implement the IPersistStorage interface. This interface is one of the primary interfaces for a compound document object. Embeddable objects must also implement the IOleObject and IDataObject interfaces.

The OLE default handler for embedded objects provides an implementation of the IPersistStorage interface that is used when the object is in the loaded state.

Similarly, the OLE default link handler provides an IPersistStorage implementation that manages storage for a linked object.

These default handlers both interact with the OLE default cache implementation, which has its own IPersistStorage implementation.

If you are providing a custom embedding or link handler for your objects, the handler must include an implementation of IPersistStorage. You can delegate calls to the default handler so you can take advantage of the default cache implementation.

When to Use

When an OLE container creates a new object, loads an existing object from storage, or inserts a new object in a clipboard or a drag-and-drop operation, the container uses the IPersistStorage interface to initialize the object and put it in the loaded or running state.

When an object is loaded or running, an OLE container calls other IPersistStorage methods to instruct the object to perform various save operations or to release its storage.

Typically, applications use helper functions such as OleCreate, rather than calling the IPersistStorage::Load or IPersistStorage::InitNew methods directly.

Similarly, applications typically call the OleSave helper function rather than calling the IPersistStorage::Save method directly.


The following table shows the methods for this interface in alphabetical order.

Method Description


Instructs the object to release all storage objects that have been passed to it by its container and to enter HandsOff mode, in which the object cannot do anything and only the close operation works.


Initializes a new object, providing a pointer to the storage to be used for the object.


Indicates whether the object has changed since it was last saved to its current storage.


Loads an object from its existing storage.


Saves an object and any nested objects that it contains into the specified storage.

The object is placed in NoScribble mode and must not write to the specified storage until it receives a call to its IPersistStorage::SaveCompleted method.


Notifies the object that it can revert from NoScribble or HandsOff mode, in which it must not write to its storage object, to Normal mode, in which it can.


To determine whether the platform supports this interface, see Determining Supported COM APIs.


Header objidl.h, objidl.idl
Library ole32.lib, uuid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.0 and later

See Also


COM Interfaces