다음을 통해 공유

Catalog Items View (Compact 2013)


This window enables you to view and modify the catalog items in your OS design.

The catalog items are displayed in a tree of items. You can view information about an item in a tooltip window by moving the cursor to hover over the item. The information includes the Sysgen variable for the item.

You can view an item’s dependencies by right-clicking the item and selecting Dependencies. Platform Builder displays the other items that depend on that item, and the other items that the item depends on. If there is an item (marked with a green square) that is included in your design because you have selected other items that depend on it, you can find out which items by right-clicking the item and then clicking Reasons for Inclusion. Platform Builder displays the dependent items in the Reasons for Inclusion dialog box.

The Catalog Items View window displays a toolbar with several options that you can choose from.

UI Elements




Choose from one of the following:

  • User-selected Catalog Items Only
    When selected, this displays only the catalog items that you have explicitly chosen to include in your OS design.
  • User-selected Catalog Items and Dependencies
    When selected, this displays both the catalog items that you have explicitly chosen to include, and the catalog items that have been brought in by dependency.
  • All Catalog Items in Catalog
    When selected, this displays all the available items in the catalog.


Refreshes the displayed items in the Catalog Item View.

Catalog Item Search

Search for catalog items by name or Sysgen variable.

The following table describes the symbols that the Catalog Items View uses to differentiate among the items in the Catalog.




When a group of similar Catalog items uses this icon to display the items, you can choose more than one item from the group.


When a group of similar Catalog items uses this icon to display the items, you can choose only one item from the group.

Red X

Specifies that the selected Catalog item is excluded from the OS design.

Green square

Specifies that the selected Catalog item is brought in by dependency into the OS design.

Green check mark

Specifies a user-selected Catalog item. The selected item is directly brought into the OS design.

Red exclamation mark

Specifies that there is an associated notification for the selected Catalog item.

See Also


Platform Builder User Interface

Other Resources

Platform Builder Views