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Platform Builder IDE (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


When Windows Embedded CE 6.0 is installed, the settings for the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) are optimized for Windows Embedded CE development. This enables you to use the IDE tools to build, test, and refine an OS design and its associated subprojects.

The following table shows IDE functionality and corresponding links to topics describing how to use IDE tools.

In This Section

  • Platform Builder User Interface
    Describes the Visual Studio development environment as customized for Platform Builder.

    This includes the IDE menus, views, and context-sensitive Help.

  • Build System
    Describes the build system and lists the phases that the build system progresses through during the build process.
  • Source Code Control
    Describes how to set up a source code control system for Windows Embedded CE 6.0. This is ideal for development in team environments.
  • Remote Tools
    Lists the tools you can use to remotely perform a variety of programming tasks.

See Also

Other Resources

Platform Builder User's Guide