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How to Configure a Run-Time Image to Support a Flash Media Device (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


By configuring your run-time image to support a flash media device, you enable your operating system to input and output data to flash media.

To complete this procedure, you must develop a flash media driver (FMD) for your device and add support for that driver to your run-time image.

Once your have configured your run-time image to include your FMD, you can then build your run-time image to support your flash media device.


Step Topic

1. Develop an FMD for your flash media device.

How to Develop a Flash Media Driver

2. In the Platform.reg file for your run-time image, set the appropriate registry information for your FMD.

The following code example shows registry information for a run-time image that supports an FMD.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\<your driver name>]
  Dll="<your dll name>"
  \\you can also include settings specific to your driver

Not applicable

3. To have Filesys.dll automatically load your FMD, set the appropriate registry information in the Platform.reg file for your run-time image.

The following code example shows registry information for a run-time image that automatically loads an FMD block driver.

{HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\AutoLoad\<your driver name>]
  DriverPath=drivers\builtin\<your driver name>

The LoadFlags value can be set to 0, 1, or 2. A value of 1 indicates synchronous loading, a value of 2 indicates Asynchronous loading, while 0 is the default value and indicates Asynchronous loading.

The BootPhase value can be set to 0, 1, or 2. A value of 0 indicates that the FMD is loaded prior to the initialization of the locale. A value of 1 indicates that it is loaded prior to the mounting of a user-hive. A value of 2 indicates that it is loaded after the mounting of a user-hive.

Not applicable

4. Build your run-time image.

If your run-time image builds with no errors, you have successfully configured your run-time image to support a flash media device.

Building a Run-Time Image

See Also


How to Develop a Flash Media Driver

Other Resources

Flash Driver FAL and FMD Model
Flash Drivers