다음을 통해 공유

FILES Section (Compact 2013)


The FILES section of a binary image builder (.bib) file specifies how files are loaded into the memory table, as established in the MEMORY section of the Config.bib file.


Name    Path    Memory block    Section override    Type


  • Name
    Specifies the name of the FILES section entry as it appears in the memory table. Usually, the Name entry is the same as the name of the file referenced by Path.
  • Path
    Specifies the full path to the FILES file that Romimage.exe incorporates into the run-time image. Usually, the Path file name is the same as the Name file section entry.
  • Memory block
    Specifies the MEMORY region into which Romimage.exe loads the FILES entry.

    Romimage.exe places the files in the specified memory area in the order in which they appear in the MEMORY section. This MEMORY region corresponds to the MEMORY section defined in Config.bib.

    There is only one RAMIMAGE per run-time image, and the name used to specify the MEMORY section must be the same as the name specified in Config.bib.

  • Section override
    Specifies the type of section entry Romimage.exe treats the entry as. Can be set using the following flags:

    • MODULE to define it as a MODULES section entry
    • FILE to define it as a FILES section entry

    When one of these flags is added to an entry, Romimage.exe ignores the section that the entry resides in, and treats the entry as a member of the specified section. This parameter is optional.

  • Type
    Specifies the file type. Can be a combination of the following flags:

    • S to define it as a system file. It is part of the OS or the OS uses it exclusively.
    • H to define it as a hidden file. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing.
    • U to define it as an uncompressed file. All data in the file is uncompressed. This changes the default setting where all files are compressed.
    • N to define a module that is not trusted.
    • D to define a module that the system cannot debug.


Romimage.exe creates the Initobj.dat file and loads it into the NK memory block. The file-system file is a system file (S), a hidden file (H), and, by default, a compressed file.



This section can contain up to 2,000 files.

This section is similar to the MODULES section. However, Romimage.exe compresses all FILES section entries by default.

Files found in this section typically include data files that are loaded into application processes, such as waveform audio (.wav) files and bitmap (.bmp) files. For more information about compression, see COMPRESSION.

If your device uses the standard shell, and you want to display specific .exe files and .dll files that are part of the operating system in Windows Explorer, you must add them to the FILES section. Files in the MODULES section are considered to be operating-system files and are hidden by default.

The major difference between the FILES section and the MODULES section is this: If a dynamic-link library (.dll) file is placed in the FILES section, it is loaded into every slot location, which decreases the virtual address space available to any one process. If a .dll is placed in the MODULES section, it is loaded into process slot 1 only,

Process slot 1 is a 32-MB address space set aside specifically for these modules.

By default, all files are compressed because they are read into the applications. However, the type of file should dictate whether to compress a file.

TrueType font (.ttf) files are usually uncompressed because they are used constantly in the OS. Waveform audio (.wav) files are not used as frequently; therefore, they are usually compressed.

See Also


Binary Image Builder (.bib) File