.gif) |
Compare |
Compares two specified String objects with one another. |
.gif) |
CompareTo |
Overloaded. Compares the current String object with a specified String object or Object object. |
.gif) |
Concat |
Overloaded. Concatenates one or more String objects or the String representations of the args values for one or more Object objects. |
.gif) |
Equals |
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value. |
.gif) |
Equals |
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value. |
.gif) |
Equals |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
GetHashCode |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
GetType |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
IndexOf |
Overloaded. Reports the index number, or character position, of the first occurrence of a specified String object or one or more specified Unicode characters in the current String object. |
.gif) |
IndexOfAny |
Overloaded. Reports the index number, or character position, of the first occurrence in the current String object of any character within a specified array of Unicode characters. |
.gif) |
Intern |
Retrieves the system's reference to a specified String object. |
.gif) |
IsInterned |
Retrieves a reference to a specified String object. |
.gif) |
LastIndexOf |
Overloaded. Reports the index number, or character position, of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String object in the current String object. |
.gif) |
LastIndexOfAny |
Overloaded. Reports the index number, or character position, of the last occurrence in the current String object of any character within a specified array of Unicode characters. |
.gif) |
operator != |
Determines whether two specified String objects have different values. |
.gif) |
operator == |
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value. |
.gif) |
ReferenceEquals |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
Split |
Overloaded. Identifies the substrings in the current String object that are delimited by one or more characters specified in an array, and then places the substrings in a String array. |
.gif) |
Substring |
Overloaded. Retrieves a substring from the current String object. |
.gif) |
ToCharArray |
Overloaded. Copies the characters in the current String object to an array of Unicode characters. |
.gif) |
ToLower |
Returns the current String object in lowercase. |
.gif) |
ToString |
Returns the current String object; no actual conversion is performed. |
.gif) |
ToUpper |
Returns the current String object in uppercase. |
.gif) |
Trim |
Overloaded. Removes all occurrences of a specified array of Unicode characters from the beginning and end of the current String object. |
.gif) |
TrimEnd |
Removes all occurrences of a specified array of Unicode characters from the end of the current String object. |
.gif) |
TrimStart |
Removes all occurrences of a specified array of Unicode characters from the beginning of the current String object. |