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How to Configure DUA to Poll a Web Server


With the Device Update Agent (DUA) component, you can apply updates to a remotely deployed run-time image. The DUA service runs on the device, by polling a Web server for any updates.

QFEs for Windows XP Embedded cannot be directly applied to a deployed run-time image with DUA. Instead, the files that constitute the QFE must first be extracted. Then, you can author a script that copies the files to the device.

You must build a run-time image with the Device Update Agent component added to it before it can be updated.

To track your progress in the following table, select the check box next to each step.

Step Topic

1. Add the Device Update Agent to your run-time image.

Adding the Device Update Agent Component to Your Run-Time Image

2. Configure Device Update Agent Polling.

Configuring the Device Update Agent Component to Poll a Web Server

3. Create the Device Update Program.

Creating the Device Update Program

4. Add additional commands to update system files, if required.

Update System Files by Using DUA

5. Deploy the Device Update Program to the Web server.

Deploying the Device Update Program

6. Configure your Web server.6

Web Server Configuration for DUA

7. If you are using IIS as the Web server, configure it to enable Device Update Program (.dup) execution and user authentication.

How to Configure IIS for DUA

8. View the Device Update Agent service actions on both the client and Web server, verifying that the .dup program ran and the device was updated.

Viewing the Device Update Agent Service Actions

Viewing DUA Actions in an IIS Log

9. If required, start or stop the Device Update Agent running on the device.9

Starting and Stopping the Device Update Agent Service

See Also


DUA Security Considerations
How-to Topics (Update Rollup 1.0 for Windows XP Embedded)

Other Resources

Device Update Agent