다음을 통해 공유

How to Install Update Rollup 1.0 for Windows XP Embedded


Before you can install Update Rollup 1.0 for Windows XP Embedded, you must have installed Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007 on your computer.

To install Update Rollup 1.0 for Windows XP Embedded

  1. Install Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007, if it is not already installed.

  2. If you already have Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007 installed on your computer, you should back up your component database and repository before installing Update Rollup 1.0 for Windows XP Embedded. For more information, see Backing Up the Component Database and Backing Up the Repository.

  3. After you have backed up the component database and repository, proceed to install Update Rollup 1.0 for Windows XP Embedded by following the WEUpdate package instructions.

  1. Install Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007, if it is not already installed.

  2. If you already have Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007 installed on your computer, you should back up your component database and repository before installing Update Rollup 1.0 for Windows XP Embedded. For more information, see Backing Up the Component Database and Backing Up the Repository.

  3. After you have backed up the component database and repository, proceed to install Update Rollup 1.0 for Windows XP Embedded by following the WEUpdate package instructions.

In This Section

See Also

Other Resources

Installation Guide