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Uninstalling the MS_NDP Protocol Driver From the Supporting Desktop Computer (Windows CE 5.0)

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After you finish running the NDIS Performance Test, you can remove the MS_NDP protocol driver from the supporting desktop computer. Alternatively, you can leave the MS_NDP protocol driver installed on the supporting desktop computer so that you can run the NDIS Performance Test as often as you want.

It is not necessary to uninstall the MS_NDP protocol driver because it is configured to run in manual mode. The service for the protocol driver runs only when the NDIS Performance Test starts the service, and stops when the NDIS Performance Test stops the service. The MS_NDP protocol driver does not interfere with other network traffic.

To uninstall the MS_NDP protocol driver from the supporting desktop computer

  • In the directory that you created that contains the Snetcfg.exe file, run the following command:

    snetcfg -u ms_ndp

See Also

Running the NDIS Performance Test | Setting up the Supporting Desktop Computer for the NDIS Performance Test

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