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CeLog Event Tracking Macros (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following macros are used to call CeLog functions.

Macro Description
CELOGDATA(Time, ID, Data, Length, Zone1, Zone2) Logs raw data to the CeLog buffer.
CELOGDATAFLAGGED(Time, ID, Data, Length, Zone1, Zone2, Flag) Logs raw data to the CeLog buffer, and adds an extra user-defined flag to the data being logged
RETAILCELOG(Cond, ID, Data, Len) Logs data from events of a specified ID when a conditional evaluates as TRUE. If the conditional is FALSE, nothing will be logged.

Logs data only for Retail and Debug builds

DEBUGCELOG(Cond, ID, Data, Len) Logs data from events of a specified ID when a conditional evaluates as TRUE. If the conditional is FALSE, nothing will be logged.

Logs data only for Debug builds.

RETAILCELOGMSG(cond, printf_exp) Conditionally prints the message printf exp to the CeLog buffer from a retail build.
DEBUGCELOGMSG(cond, printf_exp) Conditionally prints the message printf exp to the CeLog buffer from a debug build.


The following example shows how to make calls to the CeLog macros from any application. This example assumes that the CELZONE_MISC zone is enabled.

#include <celog.h> 
LONG lData[10]; // Initialization not shown here... 
WORD wMyFlag = 1; 

For information about viewing these events, see Viewing Events From Pre-Defined Data Types.

See Also

CeLog Event Tracking Reference

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