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IUPnPService::InvokeAction (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method invokes an action of the device.

HRESULT InvokeAction(BSTRbstrActionName,VARIANTvarInActionArgs,VARIANT* pvarOutActionArgs,VARIANT* pvarRetVal);


  • bstrActionName
    [in] Specifies the method to invoke. Method names are case sensitive.

  • varInActionArgs
    [in] Specifies an array of input arguments to the method. If the action has no input arguments, this parameter must contain a variant of any type.

    The contents of this array are service-specific.

  • pvarOutActionArgs
    [in, out] On input, contains a reference to an empty array. Specify NULL if and only if the action being invoked does not have any out parameters, or the action has exactly one out parameter (which is the return value).

    On output, receives a reference to the array of output arguments. If the action has no output arguments, this parameter contains an empty array.

    The contents of this parameter are service-specific.

  • pvarRetVal
    [in, out] On input, contains a pointer to a VARIANT. Specify NULL if the action being invoked does not have a return value. On output, receives a reference to a VARIANT that contains the return value of this action.

Return Values

  • S_OK
    This method was successful.

Otherwise, the method returns one of the COM error codes defined in WinError.h, or one of the following UPnP-specific return values.

HRESULT value Description
UPNP_E_ACTION_REQUEST_FAILED The device had an internal error; the request could not be executed.
UPNP_E_DEVICE_ERROR An unknown error occurred.
UPNP_E_DEVICE_TIMEOUT The device has not responded within the 30–second time-out period.
UPNP_E_ERROR_PROCESSING_RESPONSE The device has sent a response that cannot be processed. For example, the response was corrupted.
UPNP_E_INVALID_ACTION The action is not supported by the device.
UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS One or more of the arguments passed in vInActionArgs is invalid.
UPNP_E_PROTOCOL_ERROR An error occurred at the UPnP control protocol level.
UPNP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR An HTTP error occurred. Use the IUPnPService::LastTransportStatus property to obtain the actual HTTP status code.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Upnp.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also


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