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AVTransportState (Windows CE 5.0)

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These constants contain the names of state variables evented by the AVTransport service.

const LPCWSTR   // TransportInfo  TransportState          = L"TransportState",  TransportStatus         = L"TransportStatus",  PlaySpeed               = L"TransportPlaySpeed",  // PositionInfo  CurrentTrack            = L"CurrentTrack",  CurrentTrackDuration    = L"CurrentTrackDuration",  CurrentTrackMetaData    = L"CurrentTrackMetaData",  CurrentTrackURI         = L"CurrentTrackURI",  RelTime                 = L"RelativeTimePosition",  AbsTime                 = L"AbsoluteTimePosition",  RelCounter              = L"RelativeCounterPosition",  AbsCounter              = L"AbsoluteCounterPosition",  // DeviceCapabilities  PossiblePlayMedia       = L"PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia",  PossibleRecMedia        = L"PossibleRecordStorageMedia",  PossibleRecQualityModes = L"PossibleRecordQualityModes",  // TransportSettings  PlayMode                = L"CurrentPlayMode",  RecQualityMode          = L"CurrentRecordQualityMode",  // CurrentTransportActions  CurrentTransportActions = L"CurrentTransportActions",  // MediaInfo  NrTracks                = L"NumberOfTracks",  MediaDuration           = L"CurrentMediaDuration",  CurrentURI              = L"AVTransportURI",  CurrentURIMetaData      = L"AVTransportURIMetaData",  NextURI                 = L"NextAVTransportURI",  NextURIMetaData         = L"NextAVTransportURIMetaData",  PlaybackMedia           = L"PlaybackStorageMedium",  RecordMedia             = L"RecordStorageMedium",  WriteStatus             = L"RecordMediumWriteStatus";


Using IEventSink::OnStateChanged, applications that use or implement the AVTransport service use these constants to receive and send event notifications when evented state variables change.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Av_upnp.h.
Link Library: Av_upnp.lib.
C++ Namespace: av_upnp::AVTransportState.

See Also

AV String Constants

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