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DirectDraw Display Driver Structures (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the DirectDraw structures.

Structure Description
DDHAL_CANCREATESURFACEDATA Indicates whether a surface can be created.
DDHAL_CREATEPALETTEDATA Contains information to create a DirectDrawPalette object for this DirectDraw object.
DDHAL_CREATESURFACEDATA Contains information to create a surface.
DDHAL_DESTROYDRIVERDATA Contains information to destroy a driver.
DDHAL_FLIPTOGDISURFACEDATA Contains information to make the surface to which the GDI writes the primary surface.
DDHAL_GETSCANLINEDATA Returns the scan line.
DDHAL_SETEXCLUSIVEMODEDATA Contains information to set a DirectDraw object to exclusive mode.
DDHAL_SETMODEDATA Contains information to set the display mode.
DDHAL_WAITFORVERTICALBLANKDATA Contains the vertical blank information.
DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL Contains the global DirectDraw data that can be shared between object instances.
DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT Contains the DirectDraw object's interface information.
DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL Contains local data for each DirectDraw object.

See Also

DDHAL Structures

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