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Remote Administration

One of the benefits of WMI is its ability to facilitate remote administration. With the Network Load Balancing Provider, it is important to distinguish between the meaning of "remote" in "remote administration" versus the meaning of "remote" in "remote operations."

  • The word "remote" in remote administration refers to the WMI connection model. WMI implements a connection as a remote client/server connection regardless of whether the provider client and the provider node are different computer systems or the same computer system.
  • The word "remote" in remote operations refers to the relationship between the provider node and the effects of operations initiated by the provider. For more information see Local and Remote Operations).

Note that the physical relationship between the provider client and the provider node is irrelevant. You can run your application on a cluster node and establish a direct connection to that node, but this has no impact on whether operations are considered local or remote, and you are still performing remote administration.