다음을 통해 공유

MSPolicyDescriptor licenseMetadata property

Pointer to a MSLicenseMetadata object containing document tracking information.

See "Remarks" section for more details.


@property(strong) MSLicenseMetadata *licenseMetadata;

Property Values

Name Datatype Notes
MSLicenseMetadata *
Must be initialized before creating the MSUserPolicy with the MSPolicyDescriptor.
See "Remarks" section for more details.

Defined in


Supported Platforms

Minimum supported OS versions
iOS 7.0 and OS X 10.8


This property must be initialized prior to creating the MSUserPolicy only if you wish to make use of document tracking. If you don't want to enable document tracking, this property can be left uninitialized (nil) and the call to registerForDocTracking:userId:authenticationCallback:completionBlock on the MSUserPolicy can be skipped.