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ISpeechRecoResultDispatch DiscardResultInfo Method (SAPI 5.3)

Microsoft Speech API 5.3

Interface: ISpeechRecoResultDispatch

DiscardResultInfo Method

The DiscardResultInfo method discards the requested data from a phrase object.

Applications that have no use for certain types of retained data, and will be persisting or serializing the phrase or result objects, may discard unnecessary data.

For example, an application performing offline transcription may need to retain only the audio and the final result. It can remove the alternates with object.DiscardResultInfo(SPDF_ALTERNATES) to eliminate the alternate data (possibly including a large amount of private engine data). Once the result information is discarded, all attempts to access that data will be unsuccessful. For example, once retained audio has been discarded, a call to ISpeechRecoResultDispatch.Audio will fail.

    ValueTypes As SpeechDiscardType)


  • ValueTypes
    Flags indicating elements to discard. Multiple values may be combined with logical operands.

Return Value
