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ISpeechRecoGrammar Interface (SAPI 5.3)

Microsoft Speech API 5.3


The ISpeechRecoGrammar automation interface enables applications to manage the words and phrases for the SR engine.

A single SpRecognizer object can be associated with multiple SpRecoContext objects. Similarly, a single SpRecoContext object can be associated with multiple ISpRecoGrammar objects. This allows designers to create applications containing several grammars, each of which is specialized for a different type of recognition. Each ISpRecoGrammar object can contain both a context-free grammar (CFG) and a dictation grammar simultaneously.

Automation Interfaces

The ISpeechRecoGrammar automation interface contains the following elements:

Id Property
RecoContext Property
Rules Property
State Property
CmdLoadFromFile Method
CmdLoadFromMemory Method
CmdLoadFromObject Method
CmdLoadFromProprietaryGrammar Method
CmdLoadFromResource Method
CmdSetRuleIdState Method
CmdSetRuleState Method
DictationLoad Method
DictationSetState Method
DictationUnload Method
IsPronounceable Method
Reset Method
SetTextSelection Method
SetWordSequenceData Method